Only 47 More To Go! (Winners Announced)

Welcome to all my new followers! I am glad to have you all aboard & plan to get around to your blogs too (if I haven't done so already).

In my mini-quest within a quest, I gained about 30 new followers! Yay!

And, I have to say that the majority of those followers came from our first winner of the Christmas Village cartridge... drum roll please...

A special thank you to Melissa for sending over our surprise blog candy pack winner... with comment #12 (chosen by drum roll...


Please send me an email at mycraftz (at) aol (dot) com with your mailing addresses and I will get your goodies in the mail to you.

~~~ Stay tuned for the Freezer Paper shirt instructions & for my first project with my new toy - the YuDu! ~~~


  1. Congrats to Melissa! She's great at getting the word out.

  2. Wahooo!!! That is my friend Kim that won the surprise package too! So happy that it brought you another 30 followers! I will try and promote you again next week after the blog hop I'm in finishes up! I am off to email you!


  3. Congrats to the winners!

  4. Awesome!! I love a surprise - lol. Just love all the information and inspiration on your blog.

    Thanks again,
    tandkparker at comcast dot neet


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