Winner Time!

Sooooo... I didn't make it to 350 followers today {I know there is still more time, but for me to get 85 followers in less than an hour is pushing it, even for me LOL}

So, it is time to announce the winner from the 250 follower quest. Let me tell you - it was a bunch of work just to tally up the entries & make sure everyone got credit for how much they helped me (Thanks Again Everyone!)

After much cutting & pasting & visiting blogs to verify info, I came up with 266 total entries! That is so amazing! I got a chance to read & reread some of your posts & again I was floored by the support & response to help a fellow crafter out that I almost cried.

However, you all are reading this post for one reason & one reason only {smile} and that's to see if you or a friend will become the new owner of the Freshly Picked or Designer Calendar Cricut cartridge.

With 266 entries, my darling daughter got tired of waiting for me to get everything ready so she could pick the winner & she fell asleep :( So, I turned to to do the job for me.

Entry #197 was this post:

Josie0602 said... I posted your giveaway on my blog Thanks for the chance to win!! Tracy jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net April 13, 2011 8:13 AM

Congratulations Tracy! Please email me at mycraftz at aol dot com to let me know which of the two cartridges you would like to have - if I don't hear from you in 48 hours (by 11:30pm on Tuesday, April 26), then I will choose a new winner.

Also, since I didn't get to 350 followers, I will have one cartridge left. So, for the month of May, I will host a series of challenges called "Inspired By... Fridays". Each challenge you aprticipate in will be a chance to win the cartridge - stay tuned for more details!

Thanks again to everyone who hellped me reach my goal! I have also began to follow alot of new blogs & am inspired by all of you!


  1. Congrats to Tracy!

    I have been trying so hard to help you get to 350! Maybe you should look for a blog hop to be a part of. I gained about 40 new followers this weekend and it was a very slow weekend for hops because of the holiday. A little blog hop with some blog candy can bring them pouring in. Good luck!

  2. Oh NO...I almost missed this!! I am sending an email right now! Thanks so much!!

  3. I just emailed you....thank you again!! I am so excited...I have been wanting Freshly Picked and cant wait to get it! I will be watching your blog for the challenges and hope I can do some of them!


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