Vision Board 2019

"I was gone but now I'm back!" (Back in My Bag, Aha Gazelle)

It has been a while since I have posted & I think I am happy to be back! I am trying to commit myself to posting here went to start, so please bear with me as I get into my rhythm & flow.

This first post is inspired by my recent love for podcasts & planning. I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts & was reminded that I hadn't done a vision board for this year yet. I also realized that last year, I didn't do anything at all around my vision, so I needed to remedy that. I posted on my Instagram (@MMDeZigns) and Facebook page about the vision board I created for my planner & I am going to share that post here as well.

Do you have a vision board? If you plan, do you include it in your planner?


Finally got around to doing my #VisionBoard for this year. I realized that I no longer subscribe to print media (newspaper, magazines, etc.), so I needed a different way to get my pieces together. 

Last week, I started creating a list of key words I had to include in my "board". I started with my word for the year - execution. From there, I listed words that jumped out at me for what I want to achieve this year. Lastly, I took to the internet and began my search. 

Images of the words from my list were turned into stickers & partnered with @meandmybigideas The Happy Planner stickers, Hobby Lobby #ElleOhElle stickers, and my @bitmoji 

I used my planner punch so that my vision board can be with me all the time!

#mmdezigns #blessedhands #happyplannergirl #happyplanner #bitmojis #blackgirlscraft #blackwomenwhoplanandcreate #blkwmnplan #blessed #blessedhands #beforethepen #plannernerd #planners #planahappylife #plannercommunity #plannergirl #verticalplanner #plannersgottaplan #studentplanner


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